Allen J. Venezio
Director / Lead Trumpet

Allen J. Venezio is the Founder and Director of the Same Is Lame Jazz Ambassadors. He has been playing trumpet since he was 7 and studied with his father, a professional trumpet player and singer.
Mr. Venezio played lead and jazz trumpet throughout middle school, high school and college. He also has extensive experience in the field of musical theater, playing lead trumpet in many shows. He served two years as the lead trumpet player for the Maitland Stage Band prior to starting the Jazz Ambassadors and was the lead trumpet player of the Osceola Arts Big Band in Kissimmee, FL from October, 2018 until June, 2022.
Mr. Venezio holds a Masters of Music Education from Boston University, a Bachelors of Music Education from the University of Central Florida and an Associates Degree with a music emphasis from Central Florida Community College. He has taught high school and middle school band, chorus and musical theater for the past 27 years.
Mr. Venezio is also known as the 5 Foot High Trumpet Guy and his web site is https://www.5fthightrumpetguy.com. Mr. Venezio has released three solo smooth jazz albums: What a Wonderful World (2018), In the Spirit of Christmas (2019), and Chasing Love (2020). All can be streamed on your favorite digital service including iTunes, Amazon Music and Pandora. CD copies are also available on his website.